The Oneida County Sheriff’s Marine Section is responsible for water safety and enforcement efforts on six lakes (Oneida, Delta, Hinckley, White, Kayuta, and Otter) and portions of the Barge Canal within the County of Oneida.

Marine Patrol Deputies utilize various boats and personal watercraft to patrol the waterways and to assure that boaters, swimmers, and other water-sport enthusiasts are provided a safe environment to enjoy their summer recreational activities in Oneida County. Marine Patrol Deputies also conduct boating safety classes each year to educate boaters of all ages regarding the rules of the nautical road.

Marine Patrol Deputies are assigned to several different lakes throughout the summer months in an effort to provide them with a greater understanding of different needs and problems that exist on waterways throughout the County. Marine Patrol Deputies work closely with Uniformed Patrol Deputies and exchange information and ideas to provide the best coverage possible.

  • Beginning January 1, 2025 everyone will be required to have a NYS boater safety certificate or an approved course in boater safety, regardless of age to operate a motorized vessel in NYS including PWCs.   

    All operators of a personal watercraft , regardless of age, must have a boating safety certificate on their person. Operation of personal watercraft after dusk and before dawn is prohibited.  Minimum age for operation of a personal watercraft is 14 years of age.

    For more information  contact the Oneida County Sheriff's Office Marine Patrol Unit or visit   

As in years past, the Sheriff’s Office will conduct several boating safety courses during the boating season, but it is anticipated that demand will far exceed the course openings. This is unfortunate for those PWC operators who have not obtained their certificates, but there is nothing the Sheriff’s Office can do to alleviate the problem.

The Sheriff's Office also deploys snowmobile patrols, bicycle patrols, and all-terrain vehicle patrols for various events, incidents, and enforcement assignments county-wide.